(852) 2122 9836 [email protected]

Parent Resources

Why you need us & an Education Specialist?


A professional Education Specialist is able to proactively identify and respond to the needs of students and their families. The specialist will help to find the right school or college where a correct choice will enrich and enhance your student’s life and can impact his or her future. Students and families working with a specialist are far more likely to find the right school, college or program where considerable time and money will be saved.


Education Specialists in A-Star will provide individual attention to the student and family. We will help you choose the school, college or program that offers the best environment for your child’s educational, social, and personal growth. With our extensive knowledge of schools and colleges, we can broaden the potential choices. We provide vital help in weighing factors such as cost, location and curriculum to accommodate student’s requirement based on their academic level and favourite subjects interested, i.e., Arts, Music, Drama and Sports etc.


Our Education Specialist begins with an evaluation to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as educational objectives, choices and plans of the students. We will work with students and their families to consider the full range of educational possibilities and provide a broad selection for their consideration. When necessary, the specialist will arrange academic assessments and interviews with appropriate schools and colleges. The specialist shall present to the family the most suitable choices based on our extensive visited for over 60 campuses in the past.


A-Star Overseas Education will be happy to answer all your questions and guide you every step to make the critical decision for your child’s future education.


Ms. Fiona Fung

Chief Counsellor , MA BA

Ms. Theresa Ho

Centre Manager & Counsellor, MSc

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