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Guardians Role & Cost

British Boarding School Guardians & their Role

All British boarding schools require their students whose parents reside overseas to have a UK-based guardian (educational guardian). In which, they will act on behalf of their parents (legal guardian) in case of emergency while also handling their accommodation and activities during exeat weekends and half-term holidays, if they are not planning to return home.

Who can be your child’s guardian?

Friend or relative

British citizen over 25 years old, siblings & those resided in student accommodation not acceptable.

Live within 75 miles of the school or within 90 minutes driving time (generally acceptable).

Guardianship Company

Guardianship company will assign a local coordinator as your guardian.

School as Guardian

Some schools can also act as a student guardian where the student can stay in school during exeat and/or half term.

What are the Guardian’s Roles?
  • Act as a bridge between school & parent, communicate effectively with parents, the school and the student.
  • Arrange different activities for the students during the school holidays.
  • In exceptional circumstances relating to illness, disciplinary issues and etc., he/she is fully responsible for arranging transport and accommodation for your children.
  • At the time of emergency, he/she is able to present at the school at short notice.
  • Represent parents at parents’ evenings and other school activities, which might normally be attended by parents (not mandatory in general).
Importance of Guardian
    • A guardian or host family provides a break from the busy school routine at exeat weekends and half-term holidays, and it represents a home away from home and a change of scene from school.

Some students may find such experience an even more realistic way of embracing of British culture and social norms through day to day interaction with different members of the host family and participating in family outings.

    • A Parent may request the help of guardian to attend parents’ evenings on their behalf, watch their child participating in concerts or sports games so that the parents can still be on the same page with their child’s well-being and progress.
    • Periodic visit to the child in school and meet with teachers to extend parental touch to your child and communicated to parents of needed concerns.
    • Where necessary, guardians can arrange need tuitions and activities during holidays

Some ideas on how to choose a guardian or guardianship company and services standard?

  • The number of times they visit and communicate with the child.
  • Any initial meeting upon the first arrival.
  • Responsive and easy to communicate with: language preference, WhatsApp, WeChat available.
  • Assist with purchase: sim card, school uniform, etc.
  • The extent of extra support: parent meetings, holiday activities, tuitions.
  • Fees: host family charges.
  • Some ideas to choose a host family:
    • Host family components: family with or without kids, pets (allergy).
    • Language, religion, nationality.
    • Any smoking family member.
    • Distance from school & neighbouring environment.
    • Availability of tutors nearby.
    • Similar interests as a child: musical instruments, sports, other activities
Aegis Accredited Guardianship Company

Aegis is the Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students where their member guardianship will have to observe their set standards in order to be accredited.

For enquiries on Guardianship Companies, please contact…

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