From non-selective schools to top schools, from prep to senior years admission, the emerge of different types of admission tests becomes a headache for parents. I shall be glad to share with parents the types of tests your sons and daughters may expect when applying to UK’s boarding schools and what they consist of, on top of 2 previous years’ school reports.
UK Boarding School Admission Tests Requirements*
- Prep School Admission Tests
- Mixed of online and written papers
- English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Non-verbal Reasoning, Interview
The selective schools look at performance, and the non-selective schools use results for class placements. An interview is important, and parents’ involvement & visits help and could sometimes be the base of acceptance.
Year 9 and above
- Mixed of online and written papers English, Math and interview nearly all compulsory as a basis for acceptance.
- For very selective schools, the registrations deadline can be three years before the year of entry and involve a series of admission tests to eliminate over-subscribed applications.
Year 12 (A-Level)
- Mixed of online and written papers
- At least 2 chosen A Level subjects tests. English is a compulsory subject and Maths can sometimes be a compulsory subject.
- Proven English standard like IELTS results not compulsory but good to have. A good IELTS grade (within two years) can also be used for university application.
In the past, admission tests are normally written test. With more new development in online tests, increased schools are using online tests to replace part or all of their written tests.
We since received many questions regarding the online tests and would like to summarise some of these tests for parents/students’ easy reference.